I usually hate when Wade says that, because Mondays are definitely NOT my fundays, but today was such a great day I just had to say it.
Why was today a great day, you ask??
Because this little guy took an hour and a half nap. At Daycare.
I almost said "Holla!" in front of Ms. Rosa when I picked him up today and she told me, but I didn't :). This was a MAJOR accomplishment, one that he really had no problem with a few short months ago. And he always naps like a champ at home. But lately I think he's finally realized there's so much to DO at Daycare, he'd rather play than sleep.
Making for a very cranky baby in the evenings for me and Dada to enjoy.
Ok I need just 5 seconds to baby talk about this picture:
"Wook at his wittle FACIE! He woves his food! Num num! Now say 'Mama'! Say 'Mama!' MAMA!"
And that's why he's looking at me all crazy. I love him. He's 9 months old today. It makes my heart happy and sad at the same time. Ah, motherhood, what sweet, intense emotions you bring.
In other news, I got a manicure this weekend, and ruined it as soon as I got in the car. Ugh. Maybe ruined is a bit dramatic there. I bumped my thumb on the sun visor getting into my car to go home, and smudged my cute hot-red/orange polish. But I sure did say, "ugh, ruined!". It gets worse. The next morning, after some awesome friend-neighbors dropped off farm-fresh tomatoes that taste like candy and have me convinced I need to start a garden PRONTO, I ran to Wal-Mart.
First mistake.
Actually, my first mistake was not buying Wyatt any food or formula when I went grocery shopping earlier in the week. And we all know how much the little chunker likes to eat. I tried to make my own baby food by blending organic chicken, brown rice, and chicken broth together. But I didn't get the consistency right and when we spooned it into his mouth, he didn't even chew, he just opened his mouth really wide and shoved it out with his tongue and looked at me like I was crazy.
Therefore, Wal-Mart. And second mistake.
After stocking up on baby food and kicking myself for not giving the chicken-and-brown-rice another go, I drove home and unloaded the car. When I reached to close the trunk, my fingernails caught the edge of it (ekk that gives me goosebumps again just thinking about it) and hot red/orange was transferred onto my silver paint.
And filthy black dirtness was transferred onto my nails. Gross.
Ugh. Ruined.
Then later that night, I tried to open my travel coffee mug and accidentally peeled off the other side of the 1st thumb trauma victim.
Life: 1. Manicure: 0.
I just realized the majority of this post was about me rambling on about my manicure. This is why I don't get these very often. Every time I chipped it, I would yell, "Ugh, ruined!" just to see what Wade would do.
His response was silence. Which is always tricky to read. I just take it as a sign to keep doing what I'm doing until I get a verbal response.
I also like to ask him what he's going to do when we have a little girl who's just like me one day. That always gets a major verbal response :).
Good night friends! I hope your Monday was also a Funday. And if not, praise God for Tuesdays!
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